3 Years Later

Created by Kenan 6 years ago
Dear Peter,

Here I find myself, three years later, as I look at all the wonderful stories of you that people have cherished. I want to write another letter as I now realise how obvious it is that an 8-year-old had written my last letter to you. Peter, you were amazing in 100 different ways. You were a great, funny, loyal friend, your cheeky smile brightened up everyone's day, you were extremely clever, you were hilarious and I envied the way that you could make people burst out into hysterics, without even trying. You touched so many people's lives and I could write a whole novel and I still wouldn't be able to describe how lovely and kind you were. You will always be in our hearts. No matter where we are. In spirit, you graduated primary school with the rest of us. Summerswood's Class Of 2017. I know that the lord is taking care of you as you watch over us daily. See you soon, angel.


R.I.P Peter